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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My life plain and simple

The impact that video games have had on my childhood

When I was 3 I can remember watching my Brother and Sister's play the old SNES *wooo* they played the classics such as Super Mario Bro's I remember vaguely playing some old Caveman game for it which was very addicting. Then before my brother moved out when I was 5 we had Nintendo 64 which had Roadrunner which I loved, Super Mario 64 another great game but, I still wasn't as good as my Sisters. By far the best game I had was Pokemon Stadium which I "Borrowed" from a friend; I remember playing that for hours. I got a Gameboy Color which was teal for Christmas one year that came with Tom and Jerry which was sort of a puzzle game yet fun. I was expecting Pokemon Yellow like any 6 or 7 year old at the time. Damn t.v shows brainwashing our generation. Least to say... I was pissed, it wasn't until about a year later that I got Pokemon Yellow which I never was able to beat due to the fact I couldn't figure out how to get out of a room *damned doorways that look like rugs* or get Surf from the Safari Zone.

I was always interested in Computers since I was young and very "techno savvy" as some might say now a'days. The first online game that I played was...... NEOPETS!!! I learned from an advertisement they played of a Pokemon Rpg called tppcrpg which I loved for about two years. After TPPC I cameabout Runescape another brainwashing game that I have come to loved and sometimes I still come back to. Since I was young I have crashed my computer over 6 times and fixed them the last 5.

That is a quick summary on how Video Games shaped my life.

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